Thursday, June 30, 2011

Easy To Wear!

Finally it's Friday! Today will be a very busy day because, luckily, my work is growing and I have several orders to deliver.This morning I have to look for some new fabrics to sew new boho dresses ordered by an American store! Let's hope so! How is your day?

TwinSet Shrug
Vintage Clutch 
Janet&Janet Boots 
Persol Sunnies

My First Gay Bar, Cont.

I guess Andrew Sullivan liked my little piece.  How flattering. 

My First Gay Bar

Andrew Sullivan has started a fascinating series on first visits to gay bars.  He was inspired by this Slate article on the decline of the gay bar.  It got me thinking about my first gay bar and what a night that was.  It was, of all places, The Heretic in Atlanta.  I was active duty military, stationed in rural Alabama and incredibly naive and inexperienced. I was also incredibly paranoid of getting caught in a gay bar, especially the Heretic, which had such a reputation that even I had heard of it. I went with my very first boyfriend who I had just met, and a couple of his friends. As we were walking in, I was too preocupied with scanning the parking lot for undercover Military Police (I told you I was paranoid) to notice the guy checking IDs until I was up. I fumbled with my wallet and out flopped my military ID. I scrambled to hide it and find my drivers license and the guy said "Don't worry honey, that's not the first one of those I've seen tonight." His joke eased my paranoia. That night was the first time I ever danced with a man. It was overwhelming to see a room full of men dancing with men. If there's anything more liberating than that, I haven't experienced it yet.

Quote of the Day

"I fear I'll be remembered for the work I did on this campaign."

--Marc Mutty, the Chairman of the Yes on 1 Campaign in Maine that overturned marriage equality in that state in 2009.  Mutty was on leave from his job as public relations director for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Maine while running Yes on 1.  He also bemoaned the "hyperbole" used in the campaign and said,

"You know, we say things like 'Teachers will be forced to (teach same-sex marriage in schools)!' " he continues. "Well, that's not a completely accurate statement and we all know it isn't, you know?"

His statements are part of a documentary on the Yes on 1 campaign that will be released later this summer or in the fall.  
In related news, Equality Maine has announced a new campaign to gather signatures to put marriage equality on the ballot again in 2012. 

Do you like black and white photos?

Black and white photos are simplistic, pure and capture our soul.
I think it's because, without color, we aren't drawn to the makeup and the color of our eyes or our hair or how tan our skin is. Black&white captures the innocence on one's face and the hurt they've gone through to feel vulnerability. The glow we see comes from the inside, brightening our eyes, our skin, our smile.

Equality in Rhode Island....sort of?

The Rhode Island Senate has passed a civil unions bill and Governor Lincoln Chafee is expected to sign it.  However, a group of marriage advocates, including Marriage Equality Rhode Island, Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Freedom to Marry and the American Civil Liberties Union, have sent a letter to the governor asking him to veto the bill and demand that the legislature pass full marriage equality.  According to The Providence Journal,

In a two-page letter sent to the governor, the groups said the bill — scheduled for a Senate Judiciary Committee vote on Wednesday afternoon — “represents a huge step backward from Rhode Island’s longstanding nondiscrimination commitments” and provides “individuals and institutions a free-floating license to discriminate against a whole class of people, in defiance of general law.”

“This amendment could allow individuals, who are legally required to recognize everyone else’s legal commitments, to opt out of doing so only for gay and lesbian people,” the groups wrote. “In practical terms, this law could allow religiously affiliated hospitals to deny a civil union’s spouse’s right to be by his spouse’s side and make medical decisions for him.”

The National Organization for Marriage, naturally, says the religious protections don't go far enough.  There has been no response from the Governor's office.   

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

joythechampion Photo Shoot: Behind The Scenes!

Hello beauties, do you remember when I talked about my new lookbook regarding the opening of my next online store? Ok, the lookbook is almost ready and these are some shots behind the scenes :). Each photo represents an outfit and, of course, the lookbook is completely handmade, as my clothing collection. As my badget is very small, we made all in the family: the photos were taken by my boyfriend and my nephew, makeup and hair my mom, and unfortunately me as a model. I can't wait to show you the complete lookbook. I hope you enjoy this preview.
Happy Wensday!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Is It Lunch Time Yet?

via Slog

Hearts me!

Hello there! The first time I saw this dress, I thought I would never bought it because it's too childish, too "young" for me. It's completely covered of pale pink chiffon's hearts… Then, a few weeks later, I came in into the same store and, I fell in love with it. I thought " If I pair it in the right way, it could be a romantic dress without begin too "lolita". 
What do you think? Am I ridiculous dressed like that?

H&M Dress 
Vintage Clutch
Alesya Wedges

Monday, June 27, 2011

From LC Special Correspondent Ray

This is Not Eric Stonestreet on Modern Family

It's Marcus Bachmann, husband of Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann.  He's a self-styled "Christian therapist" who endorses ex-gay therapy.  He got his degree from one of the finest mail order universities in Cincinnati.  You can't make this up.  

You may recall Congresswoman Bachmann hid in the bushes to spy on a gay rights rally at the Minnesota capitol.  She also ran screaming and crying after two lesbian constituents dared to ask her a question in a ladies room. 

I have found that when someone becomes an anti-gay crusader, there's always a deeply personal reason.  Always.


Michele Bachmann to Bring the Spirit of Mass Murder to Campaign Trail

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann announced her candidacy for the Presidency today in her hometown of Waterloo, Iowa.  With characteristic accuracy and attention to detail, this self-proclaimed "serious" candidate invoked the spirit of a fellow famous person from Waterloo:

John Wayne the actor was not from Waterloo, Iowa.  John Wayne Gacy the child killer was from Waterloo, Iowa. 

Quote of the Day

"I was a strong opponent of same-sex marriage. Fourteen years ago, Andrew Sullivan and I forcefully debated the issue at length online (at a time when online debate was a brand new thing).  Yet I find myself strangely untroubled by New York state's vote to authorize same-sex marriage -- a vote that probably signals that most of "blue" states will follow within the next 10 years.  I don't think I'm alone in my reaction either. Most conservatives have reacted with calm -- if not outright approval -- to New York's dramatic decision.  Why?  The short answer is that the case against same-sex marriage has been tested against reality. The case has not passed its test."

--David Frum, conservative writer and former Special Assistant to President G.W. Bush.  Right-wing opposition to marriage equality is crumbling and I predict that this will only accelerate.  Read it all here.      

Will Nikki Kill the SC Primary?

the highly-anticipated, first in the south South Carolina primary may not happen next year.  Gov. Nikki Haley is expected to veto the portion of the state budget that allocates $680,000 for the state election commission to help pay for it.  At one point, the state was looking at an $800,000 million budget shortfall (pocket change compared to what Austin is dealing with) and Gov. Hailey has said that the state could not afford to help fund the primary.  Current budget projections are not so dire, but Hailey is expected to hold firm on this as well as funding for education and the arts.  The South Carolina Democratic Party (yes, there is one) has no plans for a primary because President Obama is unopposed, so the veto would only effect the Republicans.  The Palmetto State has chosen the GOP nominee every time since Reagan in 1980.  Past state GOP chairman Katon Dawson (Katie for short?) has said that the state party should "man up," raise the money and pay for the primary itself.  Republicans just love to say "man up."      

Monday's Man: The Men of Marriage Equality

Marriage equality would not have come to The Empire State this year without the valiant efforts of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, pictured above.  Standing next to him, third from the left, is openly gay Assemblyman Daniel O'Donnell, who has been fighting hard for this for years.  He is largely responsible for the bill's passage in the Assembly.  He also happens to be Rosie's brother.
Almost hidden in the picture at top, second from the right, is openly gay and openly HIV positive Senator Thomas Duane, who has been tireless in his efforts to bring marriage to New York.  He has also championed a host of causes including HIV/AIDS funding and employment nondiscrimination:

Then there are the four Republicans who broke ranks with their party, enabling the bill to pass in the GOP-controlled Senate.  They are Sen. Mark Grisanti:

 Sen. Stephen Saland:
Sen. James Alesi:
Sen. Alesi had this to say to The Village Voice:

"I am 63 years old, and I have no children, so I won't have any grandchildren. But I do have family. I have nieces and nephews and grand-nieces and nephews. I don't know what they'll think. But I do know that as a result of the collective efforts here, they'll grow up in a world that has a broader vision of human freedom."

And Sen. Roy McDonald:
Sen. McDonald had this to say:

"You get to the point where you evolve in your life where everything isn't black and white, good and bad, and you try to do the right thing," McDonald, 64, told reporters.

"You might not like that. You might be very cynical about that. Well, fuck it, I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing.

"I'm tired of Republican-Democrat politics. They can take the job and shove it. I come from a blue-collar background. I'm trying to do the right thing, and that's where I'm going with this."

These four Republicans have broken the ice and made it easier for others in their party to vote for equality and begin the process of putting this sad Rovian, gay bashing chapter behind them.  Look for the haters to get desperate, like cornered animals, now that the realization is sinking in that they can't even rely on the Republicans anymore.  Without the GOP, they have nothing and no one.  This is all certainly far from over, and God knows they can still rely on the Republicans in Texas, but the writing is clearly on the wall.

Into The Woods

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.  
John Muir


Sunday, June 26, 2011

NOM Plots Revenge/Big GOP Money Backs Equality

The so-called National Organization for Marriage has pledged $2 million to defeat the Republican New York state senators who voted for marriage equality.  Here's a quote:

"Last night we were sold out by the Republican Party in New York. Shortly before 10:30 last night, the New York Senate voted 33 to 29 in favor of same-sex marriage. Four Republicans – Jim Alesi, Roy McDonald, Steve Saland, and Mark Grisanti provided the margin of passage.
But this fight is far from over. In response to last night's vote, I have doubled our pledge to New York, committing at least $2 million dollars to make sure that New York Republicans understand that voting for gay marriage has consequences."

If I were Senators Alesi, McDonald, Saland, or Grisanti, I wouldn't loose much sleep over Mr. Brown's tough guy stance.  NOM wasn't just innefective in the New York marriage battle, it wasn't even a factor.  What do they spend all their money on?  It's certainly not effective advocacy.  Remember when Brian bragged that he would make sure marriage equality was repealed in New Hampshire when the Republicans won super-majorities there?  If they made an effort, it was DOA.  NOM failed to defeat marriage equality in DC.  NOM failed to prevent civil unions in Illinois and Delaware.  NOM failed to repeal the Washington state domestic partnership bill even though it was on the ballot and they fought it as a marriage battle.  Are their self-styled "victories" anything more than claiming credit for the efforts of others?  Brian is begging for money on his NOM site right now.  Who would continue to throw good money after bad?   

The New York marriage victory marked the first time a GOP-controlled legislative body voted for marriage equality, or any other gay rights issue, for that matter.  The Senate leadership didn't have to send it down for a vote, but they did and enough Republicans voted in favor to put the bill over the top.  Further, today's New York Times reported that, major Republican donors bankrolled this effort and vowed to protect the Republicans who voted for equality.  If I were a Republican elected official, I would much rather have deep-pocket Wall Street tycoons on my side than Bryan Brown and Maggie Gallagher.  NOM is toast.     

Easy Sunday!

Happy Sunday beauties! The summer is really begun, hot, sun and lots of friends. Today will be a very pleasant and relaxed Sunday: lunch with my parents, then afternoon on the bike, and dinner with my sister and her husband. We will try a new restaurant with typical Italian cuisine, where we will taste so much food and good wine.  
How will be  your Sunday?

Dondup Pants 
Vintage Clutch 
Rayban Wayfarer
Xacaret Shoes